Benefits of sport for VIP
The “Benefits of sport for VIP” MOOC is oriented towards the entire network, supporting and providing educational and sports services to the VI users. The objective of the MOOC is to show and explain why physical activities and sport are important in VIP’s lives, especially the youngest, for both their psychological condition, locomotor condition and their social skills’ development. While explaining all these topics, the MOOC also provides connections to specific sports or physical activities that have been included in the portfolio of sports by specifically listing those connections.
The MOOC does not only act as a preparation for the VisiBall introduction and practice, but directs all interested parties to a wide array of other existing practices, which should be explored and adopted for the benefit of our target group.
The MOOC has been organized for use by three main categories of interested parties – PE teachers and administrators from schools, sports coaches from various sports clubs and organizations and parents. The link towards the RESOURCES will take you to a number of activities, proposed by the partners in relation to the different MOOC aspects. By means of the proposed resources, the users will be able to:
If you are on your way to becoming a VisiBall trainer, you will need to secure a badge for successfully completing the MOOC course. In order to do that, you need to take our QUIZ, which is accessible to registered users.
We wish you a pleasant learning process and remain at your disposal if you need our support for getting deeper into certain aspects of the MOOC, which require a person-to-person interaction.